Quotes By William Blake :

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reading Response #3: "The Revolutionary Vision of William Blake" By: Thomas J. J. Altizer

“The Revolutionary Vision of William Blake,” By Thomas J. J. Altizer, Blake uses Satan to speak about the good of Christ. The visions of Blake have shared many of the Christian and how it was originally an apocalyptic faith or that type of way. This shows how the twentieth century is becoming to the new rebirth of the apocalyptic theology. Just as if it’s a new religion being born. The rebirth of the new language is taking effect over all old Christian faiths nothing more than that. This quote, “Absolute compassion or the compassion of Christ, a compassion truly reversing all satanic judgment and repression; but a compassion in actual apart from that reversal; hence necessity of Satan, the absolute necessity of Satan for apocalypse itself, and the primacy of Satan in all apocalyptic vision, and fuller the apocalyptic vision,” shares lots of in sight of Blake’s vision. This shows how Blake’s vision uses evil to speak of the good, nothing other than these shares apocalyptic theories. Blake’s was truly a Christ, but more of a true romantic poet. The revolutionary vision was too reminded of what has been forgotten or the changing few theories of the twentieth century era. Blake was found as a true visionary. It’s was stated that Satan was primary because it help Blake get to his main, to use evil to bring and to talk about the good, also to talk about how apocalyptic and how the twentieth century have changed and the rebirth of the new Christian religion of the non-apocalyptic. Blake was meant to bring it back, to give notice of what will be forgotten with nothing remember. There is nothing that can’t be forgotten. It was for all his readers to carry it all out, to spread the true theories. 

This article states many things that have been forgotten in the Christian religion. Nothing more than the rebirth of this religion. More of which Blake is stating that everything is being forgotten, from which was become of the Christ Religion. The apocalypse faith was losing its touch.  Satan was spoken about as a main essential of Blake’s own visions. Speaking from evil to good, the author was an able to share more and more details of his main idea. This was also expressed through the main goal of stating how important Satan was to Blake’s visions this shows that to share and completely express his feelings towards the forgot Christian faith, everything is changing. Blake’s revolutionary vision’s have been stated to bring back for was has been lost and nothing else. That the nothing upon these vision’s than the clarity of Christ and Satan. This article has share mean explanations of Milton and meaning of Blake’s internal Revolutionary vision. It share’s that the ultimate sacrifice was the “Self Annihilation” of God. This shares that to save the human race from the depths of evil or good. God himself sacrificed himself. Nothing more than this is more ultimate. This is brought to the attention as the “Self Annihilation” of God is nothing more in fact the “Self Annihilation” of Satan himself. Why was it so ultimate of the self annihilation God? Was it cause of the death of Satan himself? Blake himself was a truly deep into the Christian. Deeply in thought nothing more relating more and more to God.  Blake himself was fascinated by God and Christ; he spoke with Satan to speak of the good, nothing other than that. Blake’s visionary mind was the one that connect Satan and God. Nothing has changed from the well being of wanting the connection of the two. The Revolutionary Visions of William Blake have many explanations and many that explain differently, other than this. For each individual reader there’s a new tail to tell. William Blake is truly a True Romantic.

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